
Prepare for trench warfare set in a dieselpunk world in Iron & Lead! As hostile alien forces converge upon our planet, climb into the gunners’ seat of an 'Abner Jack,' moving within a labyrinthine trench system. This third-person, rogue-like pits your skills and nerves against ruthless enemies.

With precision and firepower, man the Abner Jack's turret, to obliterate both airborne and ground-based invaders. Choose from six different tanks, each offering unique strategic advantages against the alien onslaught, then battle across five gripping regions, unlocking new items as you go to give you the upper hand.

Adapt to the chaos by deploying a variety of tools—deployable turrets, landmines, and devastating rocket barrages. Collect over 50 equipment pieces to max out your damage, bolster your defenses, and employ auto-repairs, unlocking new capabilities throughout your intense offense efforts.

Join the fight against the invaders as a Gunner of an Abner Jack. Will you stand firm against the extraterrestrial menace and secure the fate of our civilization?

Steam: Coming Spring 2024

Game Story

As the war between the great alien races rages on in the stars, some planets are caught up against their will. Yours is one of those planets.

The invaders are here to enslave your people, and take the resources of your planet to aid them in their fight. With some help from the other side of the war in the stars, you pilot huge tanks through the trenches between the cities, armed with enough firepower to fend off the invaders, if you can survive.

Fight your way through waves of baddies to try to destroy the Outposts. Make it to the final one to protect your city, if you can.

Use your standard 125mm machine-cannon and 250mm flak cannon, along with powerups to assist you as you blast the monstrosities filling the trenches.